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concrete sound
cast concrete with pigment, 2020

sound installation at ICA atMECA, 2020

sound installation at ICA atMECA, 2020

offset print with laser cut commas, 23.5 X 18 in., 2020

private space in a public time
sound installation at MASS MoCA, 2016-2017

say the sea
web based sound project, 2020
BOMB magazine: Audra Wolowiec Interviewed by Meg Whiteford
Chronogram, Judicious Symmetries: Audra Wolowiec at Visitor Center, Nov 1, 2021
Exibart, Here New York: A new contemporary pearl, in the Hudson Valley (Qui New York: Una nuova perla contemporanea, nella valle dell’Hudson), Italy, Nov 8, 2021
Highlands Current, The Visitor Center is Open, Oct 8, 2021
One Work at Dia:Beacon, Audra Wolowiec on Barry Le Va, 2020
Forbes, Immerse Yourself in the Intersection of Art and Music, 2020

Sound Mirror exhibition
installation view
Sound Mirror
Audra Wolowiec is an artist based in New York whose work oscillates between sculpture, installation, text, and performance with an emphasis on sound and the material qualities of language. Her work has been shown internationally and in the United States at MASS MoCA, CCS Bard Hessel Museum, ICA at MECA (Maine College of Art), Stony Brook University, and Art in General. Readings and events have taken place at The Poetry Project, Microscope Gallery, and Center for Performance Research. Her work has been featured in BOMB Magazine, Modern Painters, The Brooklyn Rail, CAA Journal, and Sound American. Residencies include Bemis Center for Contemporary Art, Complex Systems Art and Physics Residency at the University of Oregon supported by a National Science Foundation Grant, Dieu Donné, and iea (Institute for Electronic Arts) at Alfred University. Wolowiec currently teaches at Parsons School of Design and SUNY Purchase, and directs the publishing platform Gravel Projects.
On October 9, 2021, VISITOR CENTER presented its inaugural exhibition ‘Sound Mirror,’ a solo exhibition by Audra Wolowiec featuring works on paper and sculptures investigating the materiality of sound and their visual manifestations.
Sound or Acoustic Mirrors are large parabolic cement structures that were built along the coast of England in the early 1900’s as listening devices to detect the approach of enemy aircraft. Soon made obsolete by new technology, these architectural forms punctuate the landscape, as reminders of the physicality of sound. Works in the show, from large handmade paper waveforms, to cast concrete and ceramic sculptures, mine materiality through surface echoes and reciprocal wave patterns. These series are in conversation with Wolowiec’s work with language-based sound scores and installations (created during a Workspace Residency at Dieu Donné).
Catalogue for Sound Mirror, featuring poems in response to Wolowiec’s work by Christine Shan Shan Hou and Emmalea Russo: